sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2015


Cognosticism is a word that comes from Latin cognoscere, and originates from the Greek (Γνωσζ) gnosis, gnoses or gnosceres meaning Knowledge.
This symbol represents knowledge. The square is our mind, our ability to acquire knowledge. The circle in the middle is the truth, the reality. The square represents the human mind has four sides and each side represents a kind of knowledge: empirical knowledge, scientific, philosophical and theological. Besides the vertices represent the human perspective of reality. The reality being immutable, cyclical and eternal has no vertices because prospects may be many, but the reality is always seen that.

Latin has its roots in the Greek and Etruscan, but mostly Greek. There was no word knowledge in Latin, referring to the word he had to use a set of words instead of "Lord have much knowledge," one would say "Mr. has a set of ideas, information and lessons learned", ie , necessitaba several words to refer to knowledge, which is just a word for us. Only in the Hellenistic period, when Rome expanded its empire and had contact with the Greeks the word gnosceres was attached to the Latin as cognosceres (the prefixo co added to the word has the meaning of aid, community, haw, etc. The prefixo Co is as dicer "Knowledge acquired using" this shows that the Roman thought knowledge is acquired only with the help of something or someone).
Conhecimento the search for truth and the reality it is very important for the Cognosticismo. Since the 1970s the Technical-Scientific Revolution brings the power of "informational capitalism", calling our period of "Knowledge Age", but this is ironic, because the indulgence and industrial artificiality removes all sense of research philosophical in society and especially inhibits the pursuit of knowledge. If knowledge is only for the elite, then the "Age of Knowledge" is not real. There is a privileged class that still retains control over much of the knowledge is to us only alienation and entertainment, and why society is unaware of the truth and reality of things. Therefore, it is urgent to warn people about knowledge, so there Cognosticismo in the idealization of a free knowledge, open, accept and accessible to all.
The Cognosticismo should bring mass intellectuality, the search for knowledge, critical sense, philosophical and research where there is a wider view of the world as it is ironic that many fought to have easy access to knowledge and have the freedom and today there is almost no value to it. The Cognosticismo should bring idealization, fostering a greater appreciation and knowledge. There are four types of conoicimientos: empirical knowledge, scientific knowledge, philosophical knowledge and theological knowledge.
The four types of knowledge:
The empirical knowledge (common knowledge or common sense) arises from the relationship with the world. Everyone takes hold gradually this knowledge, in dealing with their daily life. There is no direct concern with reflexive act, occurs spontaneously. It is a comprehensive knowledge of the type within the human reality. It is based on research.
Surge philosophical knowledge of man's relationship with his day to day, but has to do with the answers and speculations of these relationships. It is not a static knowledge, but rather is always changing. Consider the study and critically reflective. So sometimes also it called critical thinking as it is a rational study concerned with the things of operation and accuracy, but does not care about control and exprimentação facts.
Theological knowledge is based on faith and takes care of an absolute truth, that only faith can explain consciousness. The sacred is self explanatory. He does not worry about the check. Such knowledge is subjected to religion by making it part of religious religious values ​​are considered indisputable.
Scientific knowledge should be tested, tested. This knowledge begins in philosophical reflection, as doubt be gained critical it arises the need to demonstrate that they are concretely what is law. And verifiable and research, so just search for answers to the phenomena that guide human beings through the methods governing the subject's relationship with reality support.
Knowledge must concentrate on the pursuit of truth and reality, and should not be wasted on mere artistic, philosophical and scientific production without a central and important objective is the search for truth. Nor should it be known to lose by merely capitalist, or "business" production. Of course, we must use the knowledge to survive, but not only that, but also pursue a metal improved intellectual life, trying to get farther and farther from the truth.
In our society it is very difficult to awaken people to the "aletheísta", that is, the desire to seek the truth. I wish For social pedantry is one of the major flaws of the contemporary world, knowledge lose taught and learned in a capitalist industrialism artificialist and filthy, and that takes us away from the true purpose of knowledge, which is the search for truth. Pedantry turns people off the search for truth to lose consciousness in unnecessary professional and intellectual scholarship-corrupt, where there is no real intellectualism or search or admiration for the wisdom.
It seems paradoxical that this is so, we live in a society that believes in science, which receives daily information from the print and electronic media, with publishers, libraries, museums, cinemas and theater, videos, photographs and computers. And yet, there is a prevailing alienation and ignorance.
It is not for nothing that this enormous amount of vehicles and forms of information that ultimately makes it so difficult finding the truth, everyone believes that this information is true, especially because a lot of information goes beyond the people experience, that has no means to assess what they get.
It would be enough, however, that the same person for a week, read newspapers in the morning to four different and receive news provided three websites; afternoon, often two different schools where they are taught the same courses; and in the evening, I saw the news four different television channels, so that by comparing all the information received, learned that "not fit" to each other, there are several "worlds" and several "companies" different depending on the source.
Such experience would create confusion, doubt and uncertainty. But people do not want or can not make an experience not realize that instead of receiving the information are, more often, is misinforming. But if people observe and analyze existing subliminal (if known) in the media, so they would know that "information" no more alienation and distrust pass the media. Above all, as there are other people (the journalist, radio host, teacher, police officer, reporter) who tell them what they should know, they can know, what they can and should do or feel, to trust the word these "messages from senders," people feel secure and confident. That is, no doubt, because it is not ignorance.
Another difficulty opening the desire to seek the truth in our society comes from propaganda. Advertising treats all people as naive and gullible children. The world is always a world "make-believe": the fresh margarine makes a beautiful, happy, united and happy family; the car is the confidant, intelligent, beautiful, seductive, business success, full of beautiful brides; deodorant makes it attractive, well spent, well dressed, with a nice apartment and gorgeous young woman boyfriends; Smoking is the man "more man" leaves the sexiest woman leads people to beautiful exotic landscapes, full of adventures and crowned with business success that end with beautiful dinners by candlelight.
Propaganda does not sell a product by saying what it is and be only encourages an exaggerated consumerism. They sell an image that is transmitted through the product, surrounding the magic, beauty, giving you the quality that are other things, the production of an eternal "fantasy".
Another obstacle to the desire to seek the truth comes from the political attitude that people trust, giving them the vote and see yourself and then trapped. As a result, the tendency of people is to judge that there can be no truth in politics. Many come to distrust the value and necessity of democracy and accept "sell" their votes for any immediate personal advantage, fall into disbelief and skepticism. Besides the lack of political idealism, making the advance permission of corruption, if people were more idealistic and activists; movimentassem more manifest and corruption and against what is wrong, there would be no corruption progress, but the progress of our country and of contemporary society.
These difficulties, however, can have the opposite effect, ie probably many, questions, doubts, suspicions and disappointments that make you want them to know the reality. Many start to not accept what they are told not to believe what is shown to them. And as Socrates in Athens, start asking questions, researching the facts and people, things and situations, and demand explanations, to demand freedom of thought and knowledge.
For these people is the desire and the need to seek the Truth. This search is born not only of doubt and uncertainty, but also of deliberate action against prejudice, against the ideas and opinions established by the system, against the beliefs that paralyze the ability to think and act freely.
Thus, we can distinguish two types of search for truth. The first born of disappointment, uncertainty and insecurity and, in itself, requires us to leave this situation certainties recovery, returning to intellectual laziness, does not come to seek the truth once again it is ready . The second is what is born of the deliberation or decision not to accept the established certainties and beliefs, to go beyond them and find explanations, interpretations and meanings of the reality around us. This second type is the search for truth in the philosophical attitude.
You have an attitude, and not settle, it is very important to the search for truth, and even the Anti-conspiracism requires knowledge not to get carried away by false doctrines, philosophies and ideologies. Knowledge is important, but it must be true knowledge, work, and always looked for philosophical inquiry, critical thinking and philosophical attitude.
Types of philosophical attitudes:
* _ Dogmatism philosophical attitude by which we can purchase insurance and universal knowledge, for inspiration, and have faith in that.
* Skepticism _ opposed to dogmatism, he doubts that it is possible a firm and sure knowledge, always questioning and testing beliefs, and depending on the results of these tests positive beliefs can become certainties convictions or philosophical attitude. This position was defended in Pyrrhonism.
* The relativism _ philosophical attitude championed by the Sophists who denied the existence of absolute truth and defends the idea that the individual has his own truth, and that is based on the historical context of the person in question made.
* _ Perspectivism philosophical attitude that defends the existence of absolute truth, but I think none of us can get to it, but only a small part. Every human being has a partial view of the truth. This theory Nietzsche and note was defended in it echoes Platonism.
Source: [[Philosophy books and Wikipedia]]
◘Cognosticismo◘ is more present in the philosophical attitude of perspectivism, where there is a belief in reality and truth, but where there are several points of view, ie several different views of the world, they see the reality part. Perspectivism between dogmatism and skepticism, but not take any of the two forms can sometimes lead to a kind of agnosticism, since it assumes a state of permanent doubt, but that does not prevent him from believing in something. Only Cognosticismo utopian is believed that one day you can have all the universal ◘Conhecimento◘ and a whole view of reality, a complete overview of the Absolute Truth. Some say that scientism and humanistic liberalism reaching knowledge, as preaches positivism. Others say there is no way to achieve human beings all knowledge, because only God is all knowing, then you can not have a complete vision of reality, if not in God or you can not have all the full knowledge of life but in a transcendent life, as preached in Teognosticismo.
Theories Cognósticas
* _ Idealism Cognóstico reality is formed, according to the cognóstico idealism; by matter and ideas, with a material world and a mental as well as in Platonism there is a "World of Ideas", which is called the mental world or ideal cognosticismo-mental world. The ideas, ideals and ideologies would be an intersection between mental and material world. In "Modern Philosophy" was the intellectualism of the union between idealism / rationalism and empiricism, which would work intellectual world (ideal-mental) and the material world.
Metaphysics Cognóstica:
Ideally mental world that there are differences between the ideal world and the mental world, although the two together form the intellectual world.
The ideal world is the external reality of the intellectual world, in other words, are all ideas, ideals and ideologies represented physically through signs, symbols, sounds, signs, codes, etc. and influence the mind.
The mental world is the inner reality of the intellectual world, that is, the mind itself, cognition of the individual is the recipient of ideas, influences and is influenced.
The material world is the external reality of the physical, visible, tangible and limited world, which is divided biologically, chemically and physically in many ways, can be interpreted in monistic and pluralistic, holistic, reductionist way.
The spiritual world is present in the cognóstica metaphysics, but is studied in Teognosticismo.
* Cognóstico Realism _ The cognosticismo seeks no knowledge, because it opposes the pedantry, which is a false intellectualism. The cognosticismo seek real knowledge, as the pursuit of knowledge of reality and truth is the beginning (aletheismo).
* _ Perspectivism Cognóstico cognóstico comes the question of realism, because it defends the existence of only a reality, but says there are several perceptions and perspectives. Perspectivism itself is ontologically and epistemologically realistic idealist, which is compatible with the Cognosticismo. There is a difference, perspectivism-cognóstico is optimistic; Nietzschean perspectivism, which is pessimistic. Although the reality is unknowable partly Nietzschean perspectivism, the cognosticismo preaches the need for the pursuit of knowledge for the progress of humanity and the pursuit of freedom, because freedom begins in the intellect.

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